

Hello. Welcome to Neon Caverns, my website! you can refer to me as Cipower3, or Cy for short.

I am a novice pixel artist, and coder. im also a profeianal procastanator, a terraria enthusiest, and grammers wost enemy.



After lots of layouts, the CSS not working, and me moving like a bagillion text files from my school laptop to my computer, i got a layout that is at least barable to look at. ever since i gave up trying to add a fourm, i didnt really pay attention to this site. i still need to have something to put here. i desided that i can make a page where i would rant about stuff i find intrasting. at least then there woulf be something to do here. a website with out any thing to ineract with is like a amusment park with no rides. and about the forum, maybe i could just use the comments section of some youtune video. idk


jus karkat


I got the background fixed and am going to make a login page. I was thinking that i should add a message board instead of a forum. more updaes will be coming soon.


editing this site is a nightmare! either im going to rebild the site entirly, or make a new one.


the site revamp is starting. until i have all the new pages ready, this will still be the first page you see, the new home page is here